
Fitness Manager's Daily Stats Board Drives his Team to Get Results!

Trainer Josh Elsesser, Fitness Works
Josh Elsesser is a dotFIT and NASM Certified Fitness Manager from Chandler, AZ

This interview was conducted on during the halfway mark of the dotFIT Fit Pro Rewards Program.  At the 4-week mark, Josh was the top trainer with a lead of almost 20% ahead of second place, and his lead was growing each week.  Josh’s success is not a fluke or an accident.  In fact, 50% of the top 10 trainers in the rewards work with Josh at his club.  As a result, trainers from across the country began sending us their questions: “How do they present supplements to their clients? What kind of goals do they set?” 

Those questions inspired this interview.

Success leaves clues, and the questions below were designed to get answers that shed light on those clues.  Read through this interview carefully.  Pick up what you feel is valuable.  Add it to your arsenal.  Maybe one day soon dotFIT will call you and ask for an interview.  


- The dotFIT Team 

Q:  How often do you talk with your clients about supplementation?

Every time.  In fact, it’s kind of a standing joke with a lot of my clients.  I tell them when I first start working with them that they should expect to be asked about their compliance to their supplementation plan every time I see them because, to be honest, I have a lot of clients, and I don’t want to either forget or assume anything about their compliance.  They know that in order to achieve their goal, they have to develop new, better habits, and it’s my job as their Trainer to set the expectations of what it takes and then hold them accountable along the way.

Q:  While talking with clients about proper supplementation, what kinds of objections do you most often encounter?

A: To be honest, because of the way that I present supplementation to each and every client, I don’t get a lot of objections anymore.  I probably got more resistance when I first started, but now there’s so much certainty in my presentations and that spills over in to my clients – they become more confident that I am the one who can help them achieve their goals, and they trust me to get them there.  

Here’s how I present it:  In order to train with me, I make it mandatory that every client purchases at the minimum a dotFIT Multivitamin.  There are no exceptions.  If they are open to my complete “health cocktail” as I call it, we’ll add in the dotFIT SuperiorAntioxidant and the dotFIT SuperCalcium+ as needed to complete their essential nutrient intake needs.

There are no other requirements – everything else is optional.  Can you lose weight without using the weight loss products?  Yes.  Can you increase your performance without the performance products?  Yes.  Will the weight loss and performance products help you achieve your goal faster?  Absolutely!  But that’s all up to the client and how much time they have to achieve their goals.

I set these expectations up front, at the Assessment, which is really thorough.  After learning about their goals, their needs, and what they’ve tried in the past, I dive in to the full “here’s what it takes” presentation which includes: Food Intake, Exercise, Supplementation and Personal Assistance.  I emphasize heavily with every single client that the right supplements (not some of the garbage that’s out there) will help them fill the nutrient voids that exist because of their food preferences, lifestyle and exercise habits.  

I really emphasize the value of choosing a quality supplement.  This prevents objections later.  I tell them about how the supplement industry isn’t really regulated and that just picking something up off of some store shelf doesn’t guarantee any level of quality.  Then I go into the dotFIT difference.  All of the stuff that’s on the dotFIT supplement programming site for Trainers – the fact that you guys use a pharmaceutically-licensed manufacturer, 3rd party testing (which is really cool because very few companies do this), delivery systems and how you ensure that all of the products work together so that they always stay within that safe and optimal nutrient range – my goal is to educate them so they can make the right decision.  

I tell them that since we know everything about their goals, food preferences and lifestyle, we also know which supplements are right for them.

After going through all of that, if I do get any objections, it usually will come in one of two forms: First, some people will say they want to finish the supplements that they have at home before using the dotFIT products we recommend.  I will then ask them playfully, “So, what you’re telling me is now that you know the difference between a quality supplement and the ‘other stuff’ that’s out there, you’d rather wait to start using something that will actually benefit you because you spent $6 on a bottle of something from Costco?  If you want to start making real progress, you could just give that other stuff to someone else, or even return it to where you got it from.”  I think GNC and Costco actually take back used product, so some of my clients have done that and even got all of their money back on the stuff they didn’t really need anyway!  The second most-common objection I get – and this only happens once in great while – is when the client I am working with has a family member or friend who works for some multi-level marketing supplement company.  I don’t like putting down other company’s products, especially if a family member or friend of theirs is selling it, but I do let them know that if they want to work with me, I need to know that the supplements they are taking are actually doing the job.  I can’t say that about most of the MLM supplements out there.

So, I think because I really deliver my presentations with so much passion and enthusiasm, I don’t get a lot of the common objections.  My clients are excited to get involved and their results speak for themselves.  

And beyond my mandatory “health cocktail”, I will talk about adding in some goal-enhancing products to help speed up their progress.  I especially like the dotFIT Fat Release – that product works really well, and there aren’t any side effects.  I go through any recommended goal-enhancing products when we’re at the front counter with their multivitamin in case they want to purchase those as well.

Q: How and when do you talk about meal replacements with your clients?

 As far as shakes and bars, I save that discussion for when we’re going through meal planning.  It seems to work really well at that time, because the meal replacements solve for the clients’ biggest challenges: meals need to be convenient and they need to be fast.  Especially for those clients that don’t eat breakfast.  I ask them, “So, would you rather add in a shake or a bar first thing in the morning and get your metabolism going and hit your goal, or would you rather just continue to not make any progress?”  I guess I’m really blunt with them because I know what works and what doesn’t.  I don’t beat around the bush when it comes to the truth.

I really like the shakes especially because they are versatile.  You can mix them with other things if needed, and the research on the value of using meal replacement shakes for weight control is really exciting!

Q:  Speaking of research, where do you do most of your research on supplements?

Since I want to make sure that what I am telling my clients is based in fact and real science, I use everything on the dotFIT site that I can get my hands on.  For example, I just learned from the online dotFIT Certification Course that the latest research shows that using meal replacement shakes is just as good – if not better – than some of the doctor-run weight loss clinics out there!  That’s powerful information for me and my clients.

Here’s another example.  I just did a very productive weight loss seminar for our members.  To prepare for it, I simply pulled down all of the information for the seminar right from the Weight Control section of the online Certification Course.  I studied it, referenced it in my presentation, and had a great time.  The members learned a lot.

I’ve used all of the tools on the dotFIT site.  Some people really like the videos, but for me, I’m partial to the written stuff.  Because I have enough of a foundation on the products, I can more easily scan a document for an answer I am looking for, rather than watch an entire video.  

I remember early on, I would keep a copy of the Supplement Reference Guide on-hand at all times so that any time I was asked a supplement question, I could access the answer quickly.  This was especially helpful whenever we set up a supplement information or taste-testing booth within the club.  The members loved that I could answer their questions, and it really improved my supplement knowledge quickly while building a lot of confidence in my presentations.  Plus, using the information on the dotFIT site ensures that when my clients log in online, they will see the exact same information that I gave to them in person.  It’s really important to be congruent – there’s enough confusing stuff out there as it is, and the clients need clear, consistent direction.

Q: In your experience, what is the secret – if there is any – to increasing your product sales?

 You have to have passion, excitement and enthusiasm when talking with your clients about supplementation.  Sales is nothing more than the transfer of energy, so it’s important that you give off the most positive, passionate and enthusiastic energy that you can.  

You have to tell your clients, “This is what you must do to achieve your goal.  No exceptions.”  Clients are looking for certainty.  They are looking for hope.  They are looking for direction.  Give that to them.  Get them excited.  Your energy is contagious – what are they catching from you?  

That’s why I tell all of my clients, and the other trainers at our club, that everyone we work with must use a dotFIT multivitamin.  If all else fails, that’s fine.  At least we helped them get the nutrients they need to be healthy, and we made sure that the multivitamin they are taking is the best.

I’ve found that when you are enthusiastic, and you know what you’re talking about, you project that on to your clients.  As a result, they become more engaged, more disciplined, and in the end, they get better results.

Q:  Do you set goals?  

  Absolutely!  We have two types of goals: Overall club goals, and individual Trainer goals.

This may sound strange, but we’ve learned that supplement sales always lead to personal training sales.  They are very closely related.  We’ve noticed that the Trainers who are confidently and consistently presenting their clients with supplement recommendations can also confidently present personal training package recommendations.  Of course, the client needs and benefits from both, so it’s a win-win.

So for every new Trainer at our club, we set a minimum supplement sales goal of just $500 per month.  If they are talking with each of their clients about supplementation, hitting that number is really easy.  Some of our established Trainers can hit that $500 number in a week, so we set more aggressive goals for them.  We want to see everyone improve and grow, so for the more experienced Trainer’s goals, we look at their previous month’s sales and set this month’s goal a little bit higher.  It challenges them to step it up.

Just like we set clear, up front expectations for our clients, we do the same for all of the Trainers as well.  For example, our club recently created a new policy for all of the established Trainers.  At the end of each month, the bottom two Trainers, based on total sales, are at risk of losing their jobs.  That gets people’s attention!  Now, anyone in the bottom two can still be “safe” if they have proved to the club and the rest of their team that they are out there doing the right things, making a difference, and are getting people involved.  So if they hit either $1,000 in total supplement sales, or $2,000 in combined supplement and personal training session sales, they have shown their club, their team and their members that they deserve to stick around.  We can’t fault them for just being on a really good team, if that’s the only reason they fell into the bottom two slots.  

We just don’t want anyone slacking – no sitting on the computer while members who need help are left to their own vices.  This may sound harsh some people, but we know that nothing good happens until people get involved.  If that means we have to hold our Trainers accountable to certain things, then that's what we have to do. 

Q:  Do you do any role playing?

Yes, but we structure it a little differently than most clubs do. We have a Daily Stat Board that is posted on the wall in our office for all of us Trainers to see.  It shows the daily sales for each Trainer, as well as what our monthly sales are projected to be in relation to our monthly goal.

There are three categories: Green, Yellow and Red.  If you are projected to hit 80%+ of your monthly goal, your name is highlighted in GREEN.  That means you’re doing well.  If you are projected to hit 60-79% of your goal, your name is highlighted in YELLOW.  If you’re projected to hit less than 60% of your monthly goal, your name is in RED.  Anyone whose names are in RED or YELLOW are required to participate in a mandatory 30 minute staff training session that day.  It’s not a punishment.  In fact, it’s really designed to help make sure that everyone develops the skills they need to make a difference and hit their goals.  

During the daily staff training sessions, the manager will pick one topic or skill set and role plays with everyone in attendance.  For example, today the focus was on overcoming objections.  Yesterday’s topic was on delivering effective presentations, and how to get more appointments with members.  We’ll go through different scenarios, present solutions, and practice the skills together.  It’s interactive, and it’s the best way to learn.

So, do we role play?  Absolutely.  But we use role playing to help develop any skills that may be lacking, or weak.  If you’re not getting the result you hoped for, doing the same thing over and over won’t make a difference.  That’s the definition of insanity, isn’t it?  You’ve got to challenge yourself to grow and improve every day.

It makes me smile when I see Trainers who struggle to hit their goals wonder why it just isn’t happening for them.  For example, when two of these Trainers are just hanging out talking with each other, I like to tease them by asking, “So, are one of you going to buy supplements or personal training from the other one here, or are you both missing out on the opportunity to actually help someone out on the gym floor?”  It’s funny, but it’s also true!

Q:  What about commissions?  Does your club pay commissions on supplement sales?

Yes.  We get a 10% commission on all of our supplement sales which I think is pretty standard across the board

However, we also have a tiered commission structure that allows us to hit higher commission levels based on our educational status and total monthly production.  

For example, if we are dotFIT Certified, NASM-CPT, CES and PES Certified, we have the opportunity, based on our total quarterly supplement and personal training sales, to hit some higher commission tier levels.  This is re-evaluated every quarter, and if we start to slip on either our education, production, or both, we increase our risk of losing those higher commissions.  So that structure helps bring out the best in everyone.

Q:  This has been really helpful and enjoyable.  Thank you for the time, Josh.  Do you have any final thoughts or closing remarks for any Trainers out there who want to improve their supplement sales?

Well, if I had to boil what I’ve learned over the past few years down to the most important stuff, here’s what I would say:

1.    Believe in what you do.  Become an expert.  Be the go-to person in your club.  I set a personal goal to learn the dotFIT products forwards and backwards and now I have access to all of that knowledge anytime I need it.  You can’t just show up to work and sell something that you don’t believe in because someone told you to.  Believe in what you do and in what you sell.  You’re helping people.  I believe in the dotFIT supplements and my clients feel that sincerity and belief when I talk with them about it.

2.    Supplements should be ingrained in what you do.  It drives me crazy when I see Trainers who let their clients run the show.  When clients dictate to their Trainers what their needs are, and how the sessions should go.  Who’s training who?  If your clients knew so well what they needed, they would have achieved their goals already.  They are coming to you for help.  You are the expert, so act like it!  Make supplement use – at least a multivitamin – mandatory.  

3.    Use the dotFIT supplements yourself.  How can you possibly recommend a supplement to someone when you are using a different line of products, or worse yet, if you don’t think that you personally need supplements.  That’s incongruent.  Walk the talk!  Learn it, live it, love it!

I’ll share one last thing with you.  You’ve got to have big goals, and you’ve got to be confident in your ability.  When I came to this club, I told the General Manager that he could expect great things from me, because I expect great things from me.  When he asked me what I wanted on my business card, I told him:  Supreme Chancellor of dotFIT Product Sales!  

You have to have fun and push yourself.  It’s the only way to make a really big difference.  


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