
Why Your Should Clients Take a Multivitamin (video)

Fit Pro Resources

For Trainers

1. Complete the Trainer Survey - Tell the dotFIT Experts what you want by clicking here and answering these 4 questions.

2. Neal & Kat's Answer to your first Trainer-Submitted Question: 
"'Why can't I get all of my vitamins from food?'  This question gets thrown at me every day and can prevent my clients from getting what they need."

3. Health and Longevity Supplement Plans (for ages 8-100+)

4. The Science that makes you Bulletproof - Download the Supplement Reference Guide 
- pages 6-13: Position on Use, Recommendation & Manufacture of Supplements
- page 216-223: Position on Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation
- pages 18-34: Evidence-based Multivitamin & Mineral Formulas and Use


For Your Clients and Members - print these articles for them

"Do I really need to take a Multivitamin?" 
   -> Free Webinar for you and your clients: Invite them to Join Neal & Kat Oct 19th at 5pm Pacific as they discuss, "Can you get the nutrients you need from food alone?"  Register here

"I've seen articles that imply that vitamin and mineral supplements are not beneficial. What are the facts?"

What makes dotFIT Multivitamin & Mineral Formulas better?

- "dotFIT's Position on Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation" (this will show your client that you have truly partnered with a Research & Development Team, backed by real science)
- Unique Controlled-Release Nutrient Delivery Systems
- Download the Supplement Quick Reference Guide
  - pages 14-17 provide single-page handouts on each dotFIT Multivtamin & Mineral Formula



Contact us at 877.436.8348, or email us at:  experts @ dotFIT . com



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