Below displays the most common programs for male exercisers and/or men concerned with maintaining and improving their health. However, at a minimum, all men should take a daily multivitamin & mineral for health and if exercising for performance, a before and after workout formula such as the dotFIT Pre/Post and Meal Replacement formula shown below.

Health Supplements

• Multivitamin & mineral formula (1-2 tabs daily)

• Super Omega 3 Fish Oil (1 capsule daily when not consuming fish)

• Superior Antioxidant (1 capsule daily)

• Super Calcium: use if you do not meet the daily needs of calcium (~1000-1200 mgs) and Vitamin D (1000IU) from sunlight, multivitamin and food intake.

Training Supplements

Pre/Post Workout Shake (before and after training/games)

• Take 2-scoops 10-30min before workout or use favorite dotFIT® bar for convenience in place of the shake

• Take 2-scoops 20min post workout (or 1 bar if more convenient)

• Use anytime as a meal if necessary

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