Hi! I’m looking to lose weight, but I am not sure which pill is right for me.


Thanks for the question. First off there is no pill alone that can lead to meaningful weight loss. Most important is the calorically correct diet added with some daily activity, then a conservative supplement program, as I have placed below, can help ease and speed the journey while supporting your health. Here are your 3-options to get all you need to reach your goal along with a supplement program at the bottom.
Have a great day.
Here are your 3 options in using the program to reduce weight/body fat:

1.    You can visit one of our licensed health clubs (or the one you’re currently in if they have a dotFIT license). If you’re club does not have dotFIT, use the club finder http://www.dotfit.com/ClubFinder.aspx to find one near you. The expert fitness professionals in our licensed health clubs, using the dotFIT program can give you direct service for all your fitness goal nutrition needs (non-clinical).
2.    If a club visit or personal training is not a viable option, you can receive all your diet, supplement and weight loss (or muscle gain) needs online from the dotFIT program. Go to the dotFIT home page and log in (using the icon in far upper right corner) and you will come to this page: http://www.dotfit.com/new-user-register (You may just click this link for now). From there simply follow instructions creating your program and setting your goal. The dotFIT program will give you the meal plan outline and multiple meal plans (you can alter as desired) with the proper calories and nutrition to get started, track intake and monitor results. It will also give you your supplement recommendations and exactly how to use them (I also placed a simple supplement program below). Every week when you enter your weight and/or bodyfat, the program will tell you what to do until you reach your goal. There is also a complete exercise program you can use to create the proper program to accomplish your goal – and again, just answer the simple questions and your exercise program will be created. However, if possible, we recommend one of our trainers to help you get started. On the dotFIT website you’ll also see a category called “Learn” where you will find many frequently asked questions and answers: https://www.dotfit.com/learn
3.    Reply again to this email or call us at 877-436-8348 and we will put you together with one of our phone coaches.

Weight Loss/Maintenance & Health Supplement Program https://www.dotfit.com/store/weightloss

•    dotFIT Multivitamin & Mineral for your age and gender (ActiveMV, VeganMV, Women’s or Over50)
o    Take as directed
•    LeanMR
o    Use as directed within daily meal planning (see below) and to make sure you get ~1gm of protein per pound of lean body mass (or weight if not overweight) daily from all sources divided 4-5 times daily
o    Can also be used as a supplement to a meal or by itself (or mixed with desired supporting contents) to shore up total daily protein needs
As needed
•    Super Calcium
o    Use if you do not meet the daily needs of calcium (~1000-1200 mgs) from food intake
    -Females take 1 or 2 daily with meals; if you need to take 2, take one with AM meal and the 2nd with PM meal; Males take 1 only if necessary
•    SuperOmega 3
o    Take 1 daily with meal if not consuming 2-4 svgs/wk of fatty fish

Meal Replacement Integration

Weight loss phase:
•    Meal Replacements (MRs) generally supply two small meals a day and allow freedom of choice from traditional foods for the remaining allotted foods/calories. Therefore, use as two small meals within any calorie restricted meal plan of 4-5 meals since it's been shown that frequent small meals are better for weight loss than fewer larger ones especially as it relates to satiety, preservation of lean body mass (LBM) and energy levels
o    Get LeanMR recipes here: https://www.dotfit.com/category-cid-1868.html
Maintenance phase
•    Continue to consume 4-5 small meals daily within caloric allotment that include 2 MRs for convenience and to help ensure overall diet quality while reducing food costs
You can go to our recipe section on the dotFIT website to get recipes with meal preparation instructions including meal replacement recipes: https://www.dotfit.com/learn/recipes

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