
Successful weight losers would be defined as people that lose weight and keep it off for at least 3 years. Successful weight losers/maintainers never stop paying attention to their weight or body fat changes because in today’s modern world weight loss or maintenance DOESN’T happen by accident but weight gain DOES – therefore paying attention regularly is mandatory.

Below is a list of a few attributes of successful weight maintainers:

• Highly motivated to lose weight generally triggered by a life-changing event whether it be emotional, such as divorce, or medical, such as diagnosed with a weight-related disease

• Consistently record food intake until identifying proper portion sizes and the calorie content of foods becomes almost automatic

• Eat at least 4 small meals daily and often using meal replacement bars or shakes for 1 or 2 meals

• Exercise at least 3 days/wk with walking different speeds being the most common form

• Weigh or measure regularly (generally once weekly)

• Incorporate motivational devices like pedometers or other body sensing devices that capture activities and/or calorie burn

The evidence-based dotFIT program contains all your weight control tools/needs so you will have your best chance of long term success.

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